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Presbytery Meeting Minutes May 2010

Presbyterian Reformed Church

Presbytery Meeting May 19-21, 2010

Holiday Inn Express – Altoona, Des Moines, Iowa

Devotional Exercises

Presbytery began at 9:04 AM with the reading of 1 Cor 15.1-8 and an address by Mr Ives, moderator.  Presbytery sang from Psalm 44, verses 1-8, to the tune Old 44th.  Mr Ives led the Presbytery in prayer.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at the Holiday Inn Express – Altoona in Des Moines, Iowa at 9:33 AM on Wednesday the 19th May 2010 with prayer by the moderator.

Roll Call

Sederunt:  Rev. Mr D. Douglas Gebbie, Rev. Mr Michael Ericson, and Rev. Mr Michael Ives, Rev. Dr William Young, Mr Vince Gebhart, Mr Christopher Levi (for Chesley), Mr Brian Myers, and Mr Lindsay Smallidge.

Also present was Mr Stephen Stam.

Excused were Rev. Mr Brad Freeman, Rev. Mr Roy Mohon, Mr Dan McGinn, Mr William McClure, and Mr Ron Posvar.  Absent were Rev. Mr Tim Worrell, Rev. Mr Finlay McCormick, Mr John Humphrey, and Mr Steven Dilday.


It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the 2009 stated meeting in Virginia.  The motion carried.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of 2009 June pro re nata in Rhode Island. The motion carried.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of 2009 August pro re nata in Virginia. The motion carried.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of 2010 April pro re nata in Rhode Island. The motion carried.

Appointment of Officers

Mr Gebbie was nominated to serve as Moderator; no other nominations were made.  It was moved and seconded to appoint Mr Gebbie as moderator.  The motion carried.

Presbytery would like to thank Mr Ives for his service as Moderator in 2009, particularly as this is his first time to serve and in a difficult year.

It was agreed that Mr Humphrey continue as Treasurer.

It was agreed that Mr Smallidge continue as Clerk.

Approval of the Docket

It was moved and seconded to approve the draft docket as amended. The motion carried.

Greetings from Observers

None of the invited observers were present.  Connor Keuning of the FRCNA sent a note of regret.

Approval of the Standing Orders

It was moved and seconded to adopt the Standing Orders for this meeting.  The motion carried.


Correspondence from the WPCUS

It was moved and seconded to receive the correspondence (dated November 16th, 2009) from the acting clerk of the Westminster Presbyterian Church of the United States, Mr Wayne Sweeney.  The motion carried.

Correspondence from Mr Mangum

It was moved and seconded to receive the correspondence from Mr Mangum and place his request for Presbytery meeting minutes on the docket under new business.  The motion carried.

Presbytery recessed at 10:30 AM and reconvened at 10:53 AM

Closed Session 1

During closed session, Presbytery recessed with prayer for Lunch at 12:59 PM and reconvened at 2:08 PM with prayer led by Mr Gebhart.

Unfinished Business

Overture from the Charlotte Session

By common consent the Charlotte Overture was taken up.

(The 2009 stated meeting placed the Charlotte Overture on the 2010 docket calling for position papers and materials—for and against.  The overture requested that the words, “There is no imposition of hands, but after” be struck from paragraph 53 of the Form of Government and replaced with the word, “After”.)

It was moved and seconded to receive the Des Moines session correspondence on the Charlotte overture.  The motion carried.

It was moved and seconded to enter into Committee of the Whole to discuss the overture.  The motion carried.

After discussion of the initial overture and the Des Moines Session response, by common consent, sessions were encouraged to again consider responding with position papers for the 2011 regular meeting.

It was moved and seconded to move out of Committee of the Whole.  The motion carried.

Closed Session 2

During closed session, Presbytery recessed at 3:55 PM and reconvened at 4:05 PM.

Reports of Standing Committees

Ad hoc Committee on the Ministers’ Relations to their Sessions

The interim report was given by Mr Gebbie.  It was moved and seconded to receive the report.  The motion carried.  (Copy is on file.)

Congregational Reports

Rhode Island Report

The Rhode Island congregational report was given by Mr Ives.  It was moved and seconded to receive the report.  The motion carried.  (Copy is on file.)

Dr Young submitted a request to dissolve the pastoral relationship between himself and the Rhode Island congregation.  It was moved and seconded to receive the communication.  The motion carried.

It was moved and seconded to dissolve the pastoral relationship between Dr Young and the Rhode Island congregation.  The motion carried.

It was moved and seconded that Presbytery express its gratitude for the manner that Dr Young has executed his charge in Rhode Island and the years prior when he served as Stated Supply of the congregation.  The motion carried.

It was moved and seconded that Mr Gebbie be appointed interim moderator of the Rhode Island Session for the purpose of moderating a pastoral call.  The motion carried.

Mr Ericson led the Presbytery in prayer for the Rhode Island congregation.

Presbytery sang from Psalm 71.14-19 to the tune Belmont.

Mr Myers prayed for Dr Young.

Presbytery adjourned for the day at 5:40pm

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Presbytery was reconvened in open session at 9:03 AM by the Moderator with the reading of Ezekiel 36.16-38, prayer and the singing Psalm 30.1-5 to the tune Irish.

Closed Session 3

At 9:18 AM, it was moved and seconded to enter closed session. The motion carried.

It was moved and seconded to exit closed session.  The motion carried.

Unfinished Business (Continued)

Mr Dilday Case

It was moved and seconded to release for public use:  Presbytery has postponed taking up the libel against Steven Dilday until the 2011 stated meeting in order to deliver personally the communications from Presbytery which he has previously refused to receive.  The motion carried.

New Business (Continued)

Joseph Mangum Request for Presbytery Minutes

On March 22, 2010, Joseph Mangum requested Presbytery minutes for 2007, 2008 and 2009.  (Copy on file)

It was moved and seconded that Presbytery release open session minutes for the years 2007, 2008, and 2009 to Mr Joseph Mangum.

A substitute motion was moved and seconded that Presbytery publish open session minutes of the 2007, 2008, and 2009 stated meetings in suitable form.  The substitute motion passed.

It was moved and seconded that the clerk send an email to Mr Mangum communicating that the 2007, 2008 and 2009 open session minutes of stated meetings of Presbytery will be published on the PRC website shortly.  The motion carried.

Presbytery recessed for Lunch at 12:16 PM.

Presbytery reconvened at 2:57 PM with prayer led by Mr Ives.

Reports of Standing Committees (Continued)

Publications Committee Report

The Publications Committee report was given by Mr Gebbie.  It was moved and seconded to receive the Publications Committee report.  The motion carried.  (Copy is on file.)

It was moved and seconded that the Publications Committee contact Reformation Heritage Books with regard to publishing Dr Young’s manuscript.  The motion carried.

Missions Committee Report

The Missions Committee report was given by Mr Ives.  It was moved and seconded to receive the report.  The motion carried.  (Copy is on file.)

It was moved and seconded that the Presbytery authorize Mr Ives to travel to Liberia—in connection with the 10th Presbyterian Church’s ministry in that country—as a representative of the PRC to Mr James Kartee and the Rose of Sharon Church of Liberia, and that Mr Ives may utilize any remaining monies in the Mission Fund.  The motion carried.

Presbytery recessed at 4:09 PM.

Presbytery reconvened at 4:20 PM.

Closed Session 4

Reports of Standing Committees (Continued)

Training of the Ministry Committee Report

No report was given on the Training of the Ministry.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report, having been submitted in advance by Mr Humphrey, was presented by Mr Ives.  It was moved and seconded to receive the Treasurer’s report.  The motion carried.  (Copy is on file.)

Committee Appointments

It was moved and seconded that Mr Gebhart be added to the Publications Committee.  The motion carried.

Congregational Reports (Continued)

Chesley Report

The Chesley congregational report was given by Mr Gebbie.  It was moved and seconded to receive the report.  The motion carried.  (Copy is on file.)

It was moved and seconded that the paragraph in the report regarding Mr Walls be added to the minutes.  The motion carried.

… note the passing of Mr Walter Walls, an elder in the congregation, on October 18, 2009, in his 89th year.  Having served in Italy, France, and Holland during WWII, he returned to Grey-Bruce and took up various business opportunities as well as a career in education.  For many years he served as an elder and as a trustee in the Chesley congregation.

Des Moines Report

The Des Moines congregational report was given by Mr Ericson.  It was moved and seconded to receive the report.  The motion carried.  (Copy is on file.)

Stockton-on-Tees Report

It was moved and seconded to receive the Stockton-on-Tees congregational report. The motion carried.  (Copy is on file.)

Charlotte Report

It was moved and seconded to receive the Charlotte congregational report.  The motion carried.  (Copy is on file.)

Columbus Report

The Columbus congregational report was given by Mr Smallidge. It was moved and seconded to receive the report.  The motion carried.  (Copy is on file.)

Northern Virginia Report

It was moved and seconded to receive the Northern Virginia report regarding the roll of the Northern Virginia congregation as was required by the August 2009 pro re nata.  The motion carried.  (Copy is on file.)

New Business (Continued)

Ad hoc committee on the FOG/BOD

It was moved and seconded to reconstitute the Ad hoc committee on the FOG/BOD.  The motion carried.

Presbytery Absences

It was moved and seconded that Presbytery be reminded, if unable to attend, that a request for excuse with reasons should be submitted before every Presbytery meeting.  The motion carried.

Appointment of NAPARC Delegate(s)

It was moved and seconded to appoint Mr Ives and Mr Gebhart as the PRC delegates to the 2010 NAPARC meeting.  The motion carried.

Reports of Standing Committees (Continued)

Church Relations Committee Report

The Church Relations Committee report was given by Mr Ives.  It was moved and seconded to receive the report.  The motion carried.  (Copy is on file.)

Report of NAPARC Delegates

The 2009 NAPARC Observers report was given by Mr Gebbie.  It was moved and seconded to receive the report.  The motion carried.  (Copy is on file.)

Appointment of a Presbytery Finance Ad Hoc Committee

It was moved and seconded to appoint an ad hoc committee to examine the financial situation of Presbytery and make whatever recommendations they see fit to the next stated Presbytery meeting.  The committee is to consist of Mr Ives, Mr Humphrey, Mr Myers, and Mr Gebhart.  The motion carried.

Next Stated Meeting

It was moved and seconded that the next stated meeting of Presbytery be held within the bounds of the Chesley congregation.  The motion carried. The dates are to be set and communicated before the 2010 NAPARC meeting.

Presbytery adjourned for the day at 6:06 PM with Mr Gebhart leading in prayer for the congregations of the PRC.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Presbytery reconvened in open session at 9:00 AM with the reading of Isaiah 61 by the Moderator, the singing of Psalm 33.1-5 to the tune Glasgow, and prayer led by Dr Young.

Closed Session 5

Resolution of Thanks

It was moved and seconded that Mr Ives thank the Des Moines Congregation for their gracious hospitality in hosting the meeting.  The motion carried.


It was moved and seconded to adjourn.  The motion carried.  At 9:46 AM, Presbytery stood adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,


Douglas Gebbie, Moderator


Lindsay Smallidge, Clerk

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