“Restraining Grace a Great Privilege”
by Jonathan Edwards If natural men are God’s enemies; then hence we may learn, how much we are indebted to God for his restraining grace....
“Restraining Grace a Great Privilege”
Real Realpolitik
“The Kirk’s Holy Resolution”
“Rabbi” Duncan on the believer’s sin-captivity
M’Cheyne on Prayer Meetings
Jus Divinum?
Light in Dark Days
Counsels in Seeking a Mate
Whose Hands Are Clean
Halloween or the Lord’s day?
Head Coverings in Worship?
Is the Shorter Catechism Worthwhile?
The Right Questions: Culture & Catechism
Larger Catechism 75A: “What is Sanctification?” I Thessalonians 5:23
Dr. William Young: A Christian Philosophy Teacher
A Handheld Ebenezer
Larger Catechism 77: “Wherein Do Justification and Sanctification Differ?” I Cor. 1: 30-
Larger Catechism 74: “What Is Adoption?” Romans 8:17
And who will harm you if you do what is good?
Larger Catechism Question 76B: “Repentance” II Cor. 7:10